Baby Sign Language at Trident

Childcare Baby Sign Language
On Thursday 23rd May, educators across all four services joined together at Kids on Gallaghers Child Care Centre for a professional development workshop hosted by Meg from Baby Sign.
Baby sign language is the use of signs and gestures to communicate with babies and children. Learning baby sign language has many benefits across all areas of children's development, with huge advantages for language development.
The teams learnt many signs including 'nappy', 'more', 'mum', 'dad', and 'milk', sang a nursery rhyme accompanied by signs, and even practiced the Auslan alphabet. They all did such an incredible job and picked it up so quickly.
Our educators are very excited to begin introducing baby signing into our daily practice, to support communication and language development.

We have been given a discount for families who may want be interested in learning all about baby signing, which gives 15% off the online course. The code will be active until the end of the year - 31st December, 2024.

The code is: TRIDENT15 and can be accessed through this link: Baby Sign Course.
If you would like more information, please visit the Baby Sign website or Facebook page.