*Written by Alyssa Wright – Media and Marketing Manager at Trident Early Learning.*
On Wednesday 9th August, 2023, Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre celebrated Messy Play Day - a day full of fun, sensory experiences that brought on huge smiles.
There was slime, shaving foam, jelly, lots of paint, and a special silky-smooth playdough made using conditioner mixed with cornflour. All of which are fun, messy, sensory play activities that stimulate all five senses, support the development of important skills, and bring children so much joy.
However, we have come across a lot of families (and educators!) over the years that get very stressed over the sight of mess! But, messy play is so important for children and we aim to include it every single day - not just on special days like this one.
Research has shown that more than a third of families never engage their children in messy play, even though it is such a loved experience. So, if a child covered from head to toe in paint or mud makes you squirm, just remember that we will always clean them up before they go home. If you make sure to send along clothes that can get dirty, then everything will be a-ok!
Messy play gives children the opportunity to work on and master many different skills, and they are able to explore the provided medium any way they choose. It contributes enormously to the development of a child’s cognitive and creative abilities.
While engaging in messy play, children learn about cause and effect, colour, texture and shape, and explore many mathematical concepts while practicing pouring, mixing and squeezing. There are many opportunities to strengthen language and literacy skills during discussions about the activity and the learning of new words. It is also open-ended so children can engage with the experience any way they please.
Messy play is a complete sensory experience so children are developing all five of their senses as they look, smell, feel, hear and yes, sometimes taste! We provide the children with non-toxic, messy materials for this very reason.
Because there is no right or wrong way to engage in messy play, it is particularly beneficial to children with special needs and those who enjoy a practical approach to learning. It can help to calm down a child struggling to regulate their behaviour by giving them a tactile experience to focus on.
One thing you must know is that messy play isn't always just paint and mud! We have been known to provide opportunities to get messy indoors and out with a multitude of materials - clay, goop, slime, dirt, cornflour, shaving cream - you name it, we’ve most likely tried it!
Plus, one of the most satisfying messy experiences for children is one that doesn't even cost a thing - rain! Wet days provide us with so many opportunities for learning and children feel so much joy when dancing in the rain. There is nothing like the happiness you feel when jumping in big puddles!
There’s a preconceived notion that children who are “dirty” or “messy” after attending a early childhood or kindergarten service have not been adequately supervised. We can assure you that we’re right there, encouraging them to get as messy as they can. Messy clothes are a sign of a really great day at childcare!
Maybe you could set up a messy play activity at home? If you need suggestions, please don't hesitate to ask a staff member or you could visit our new Pinterest account where we share lots of wonderful ideas - Trident Early Learning Pinterest.
Natural Play Magazine - The Importance of Messy Play
Play Matters - The Benefits of Messy Play